Councils & Committees


Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council serves as an advisory group to the Pastor.  It helps to provide direction for the spiritual life, ministry priorities, broad goals, strategic planning, and policy making of St. Joseph Parish. The Council is also a liaison for parishioners and ministries to the pastor and staff.

The Pastoral Council is a visioning and planning body of parishioners who foster full participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the church as lived out in St. Joseph Parish.

In consultation with the Pastor, the parish Pastoral Council actively listens to and identifies the needs and concerns of the people and develops a parish pastoral strategic plan to respond to these needs. The council also works to implement the plan with the involvement of parishioners.

Current Pastoral Council Members:

Chair: Don DeLorenz
Vice-Chair: MaryCollet Okon
Secretary: Dante Santillana
New Membership: Dania Sanchez
Maurine Achilike
Betty Bruce
Peter Cao
Esther Garcia
Terrin Hebert
Patricia Eno Okon


Finance Council

The Finance Council is the consultative group that assists the pastor in carrying out the material administration of the parish. It has the obligation of planning and supervising the financial affairs and physical properties of the parish. The finance council is concerned with parish resources, the budget, Church support, and the effective utilization and maintenance of the parish plan.

Individuals with experience in finance, banking, accounting, etc., are appointed by the pastor and serve a three-year term, which may be renewed.

Finance Council meetings are generally the 4th Thursday of each month.

Current Finance Council Members:

Chair: Phil Lozano
Secretary: Ed Lopez
Jason Clark
Jim Humboldt
Kathi Kauffman

Ex Officio: Fr. Stephen Ingram, Brian Muth, and Don DeLorenz

Questions may be directed to our Director of Business Operations, Brian Muth, at

Thank You, Lord, for so many gifts You have given us, for so many favors You grant us, for so many wonders You have shown us. For so much, thank You, Lord. Always help our hearts to be grateful and turned toward You.
— Stewardship Prayer of Thanksgiving

Stewardship Committee

"Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you." (Lk 6:38)

Stewardship is our Way of Life at St. Joseph. In our over 40 years as a faith community, our parishioners have embraced Stewardship in generous donations of personal time, talent and treasure.  The Stewardship Committee exists to foster the continued generosity of our parishioners in their gifts of time, talent and treasure.

Gratitude is the root of prayer. And grateful hearts, rooted in prayer, remind us that God is our Provider and that all blessings and gifts are graciously given to us by His hand.

It is up to each of us how we respond to God in how we generously use our blessings and gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure to honor him and to serve our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who share our lives, near and far.


Advisory Council

In conjunction with the Catholic School, the mission of the School Advisory Council is to further the advancement of quality Catholic education for students in St. Joseph Catholic School by providing leadership, direction, and support to the Pastor and the Principal.

The School Advisory Council is established by the Pastor to be advisory to him and the School Principal.  It shall make its recommendations after adequate hearing as determined by the President of the School Advisory Council and shall submit those recommendations in writing to the Pastor for consideration and approval.

The functions of the School Advisory Council are to:

  • Advise the Principal on policies, programs, services, and strategic planning.

  • Conduct special studies and assignments as requested by the Pastor or Principal.

  • Advise the Principal and Pastor on financial matters including assisting the principal in development of the annual school budget; determination of sources of funding for the annual operating budget: establishment of the annual tuition rates; and, establishment of teacher salary schedules. All of these activities, when completed, will be submitted for approval by the Pastor before being published and/or implemented.

  • Present St. Joseph Catholic School to the public, to civic authorities, and to the Catholic community, as a school imparting quality Catholic education in all aspects of living: spiritual, intellectual, cultural, physical, social, and civic.

2023-2024 School Advisory Council Members

Chair: Daniel White
Advisor: Meredith Daigrepont
Principal: Fran Thompson
Pastor: Fr. Stephen Ingram
Pat Dulac
Phil Gibbs
Kevin Saberre
Andy Oleson
David Trowbridge
Maria Zuniga
Beth Anderson
Angela Anstead
Yung Cao
Sandra Johnson



The Archives’ committee was formed in the Fall of 2014 at the request of former pastor, Timothy Heines, with the plan of completion of the parish history archives by the 50th anniversary in 2026.  Those accepting the challenge of going through parish records and other sources of information regarding our parish are charter members of the parish:  Don and Cathy O’Bryan, David and Pat Patton, Lillian Catalina, Anne Curtin. and Roger and Janice Flesch (with the assistance of the parish staff and retired parish Business Manager Anna May Brendel.  The parish was established in 1976 and the committee (with the permission of Fr. Jason Cargo) amended the archives’ project to be completed by the 45th anniversary of our parish.  Many, many hours have gone into researching the history of our church – the breaking of ground, the construction, the additions to the building, the school, the change of pastors, the ministries, and many more facets of our wonderful parish.  The committee looks forward to having the “History of St. Joseph Catholic Church” published and in your hands by 2021, our 45th anniversary.  Thanks to all who have contributed to our “challenge” and we are honored to be members of our St. Joseph parish.