Family Ministries
The family is the heart of society. As families go, so will the world. What happens in the home is of vital importance to the world and to the Church. We are here to support your family and help you to grow in holiness.
Baptism Formation for Parents
The preparatory seminar for parents who desire to have their children under the age of 7 baptized. The Baptism Formation sessions are designed to foster parents' understanding of their role as the primary evangelizers of their child's journey to God. We share ways of modeling and nurturing the faith of your child which was planted in them at conception.
Parenting ministry
Provides opportunities for enrichment/support for parents of all ages and stages. Periodic seminars are available, as well as, non-gathering opportunities for parents. To learn more, contact Maria Callejas at or (972)692-4586.
Safe Conversations (R)
An educational eight hour workshop that teaches an effective and safe process to have a conversation. Safe Conversations (R) communication techniques offer participants the opportunity to strengthen relationships at work, at school, and most importantly - at home. To learn more, contact Maria Callejas at or (972)692-4586.