Historical Timeline — Saint Joseph Catholic Church — Richardson & Garland, TX

Historical Timeline of St. Joseph Parish


+ Established June 1, 1976

+ June 6 1976—First Sunday of masses at 9am and 11 am at Springridge Elementary School, 1801 Spring Valley Road.  Attendance was 877.  Offertory was $1,381.09.

+ July 4, 1976—Father Smyth gave St. Joseph’s Parish permission to use St. Mark’s Church in Plano for weddings, funerals and baptisms.

+ July 7, 1976—First choir practice to be held at the KC Hall on Cavalier in Garland at 7:30pm.

+ August 25, 1976—House purchased for $48,344 at 2116 J.J. Pearce, Richardson, TX. To serve as rectory.  Same rectory offered for sale in February, 1986 for $115,000.

+ September 5, 1976—New mass schedule to include 9am, 10:30am and 12:00 noon.

+ September 13, 1976—Religious education program begins.  Classes will be held at KC Hall and parishioners homes.  600 students enrolled.

+ October 9, 1976—Saturday evening Mass added at 6pm.

+ November 4, 1976—Building and Finance Committees and Pastor met with Bishop on progress at St. Joseph’s.  It was determined that we have 14.99 acres, three times the size of other parish campuses.  Present cost of land is $150,000.  It was purchased ten years ago for $70,000.

+ November 14, 1976—First finance pledge drive…goal $156,000.

+ June 1, 1976—December 31, 1976:  Offertory collections $54,224.37 (an average of $2,086 per week.)

+ January 9, 1977—results of first fund drive, 464 pledges for a total of $140,432.

+ January 16, 1977—Architects selected for Phase I of long range building plan.  Current goal is to celebrate mass next Christmas in our own facilities.

+ January 23, 1977—Architects, Hildinger and Hallum, selected to prepare master plan for our site and prepare first phase of our building program.

+ March 27, 1977—Building and Planning Committee decide on tilt-up concrete construction for first building.

+ March, 1977—2130 Sunrise purchased to provide space for religious education classes and other activities of parish.

+ June 12, 1977—Ground breaking ceremonies.

+ July 10, 1977—Lloyd Blaylock Construction Company hired to build first building.

+ November 20, 1977—Optional practice of Communion in the hand announced.

+ January 8, 1978—Total offertory collection for 1977 was $141,025.27 (an average of $2,712 per week.)

+ June 10, 1978—Two parishioners, Gene Brennan and Earl Llewellyn, were ordained to the permanent Diaconate.

+ October 14, 1978-6 PM—First mass in new parish center building.

+ October 22, 1978—Bishop Thomas Tschoepe celebrated mass and dedicated new parish center and first fall festival was held.

+ December 3, 1978—First parish directory distributed after masses.

+ January 1979—PAC approved the colors of blue and gold for our parish, from the old St. Joseph Parish in Downtown Dallas.

+ January 14, 1979—Total offertory collection for 1978 was $196,704.14 ( an average of $3,783 per week.)  Total debt as of December 31, 1978 was $698,470.53.

+ March 25, 1979—Letter from Bishop authorizing the practice of distributing Holy Communion under both species to the faithful at all masses on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation as well as weekdays, effective on Holy Thursday, April 12, 1979.

+ May 27, 1979—Father Duffy Gardner assigned to the parish as a place of residence with work on weekends.  He will work full time in the Marriage Tribunal, and will arrive on May 31, 1979.  He leaves May 15, 1981.

+ July, 1979—Eighty (80) new families moved into the parish during July.

+ January 13, 1980—Total offertory collections for 1989 was $277,516.54 (an average of $5,337 per week.)

+ September 9, 1980—Mother’s Day Out child care program began.

+ January 11, 1981—Offertory collection for 1980 $338,103.41 for an average of $6,502 per week.  Total debt at December 31, 1980 is $373,088.19.

+ April 19, 1981—First Easter Sunday offertory collection $10,315.78.  Total attendance 4,350.

+ May 7, 1981— Fr. Michael Barone named assistant pastor (leaves May 27, 1983).

+ May 31, 1981—Fifth anniversary of parish.   Anniversary party from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.  Plans announced to begin formulating plans for a new sanctuary building and rectory.

+ January 10, 1982—Total offertory collection for 1981 was $385,813.96 (average of $7,420 per week.  Total debt at December 31, 1981 was $115,177.98.

+ May 21, 1982—Final payment of the $250,000 loan to construct the current parish Center was sent to the Diocese.  The fifteen year loan was repaid in 3 1/2 years.

+ January 9, 1983—Total offertory collections for 1982, $432,356.65  (an average of $8,315 per week.)

+ April 3, 1983—Announced Fisher and Spillman chosen as the architectural firm for our new church and related buildings.  The principal architect in charge will be Mr. Ronald J. Shaw and Mr. Jay E. Frank will be principal in charge of design.

+ May 22, 1983—Father Barone who has been here for two years, has been transferred to St. Francis of Assisi in Lancaster where he will become Pastor.  Father Gus Melito will take his place as assistant pastor.  Father Melito, a former Vincentian priest, comes to St. Joseph from the Federal Correctional Institute in Seagoville where he was the chaplain.  He will leave in July 1992.

+ June 13, 1983—Preliminary sketches of the new parish development program to be displayed at our parish’s seventh anniversary party today.

+ November 27, 1983—The St. Joseph Women’s Guild donated a new Advent Wreath and flower stands to the church.

+ January 15, 1984—total offertory collections for 1983, $502,842.13  ( an average of $9,670 per week).  Total debt ZERO.

+ May 13, 1984—Anniversary celebration announced for June 1, 1984, groundbreaking ceremony for our sanctuary.  This marks the eighth anniversary of our parish.  The evening will begin with an outdoor Mass at 7 PM followed by the Groundbreaking ceremony at the church site.  The festivities will then move to the parish center at 8:30 PM.  We will serve a Texas Bar-B-Que meal with all the fixin’s and hot dogs for the kids.  Entertainment will be provided by the Bill Bolman Orchestra.

+ June 1, 1984—Father Lynch’s 25th anniversary of his ordination.  The parishioners contribute to his gift of a new 1984 LTD Ford.

+ July 15, 1984—After weeks of negotiation with the architect, builders and the Diocese, the Bishop has signed the contract with Spaw-Glass Construction Company.  A Spaw-Glass construction truck has already been put in place, but they will move in officially this Tuesday, July 17, 1984.  Dirt will be moved, and a building and a church will be going up.

+ January 27, 1985—Total offertory collections for 1984, $617,086.45 ( an average of $11,867  per week)  Debt is ZERO.

+ March 3, 1985—Knights of Columbus are endeavoring to start a Council in the parish.  This council will be open to all former members of different councils or new members wishing to join from St. Joseph’s.  First meeting was held on March 7, 1985 with 35 men present.

+ June 1-2, 1985—St. Joseph’s begin using Trinity Publications of Austin, TX to print bulletins.  Advertising on the back of the bulletin pay for the printing expense.

+ January 26, 1986—Total offertory collections for 1985, $728,511.44 (an average of $14,010 per week).  Total debt as December 31, 1985--$1,822,959.08.

+ February 9, 1986—The Bishop has given Father Lynch the delegation for the blessing of our new church.  The day and time for this blessing and first Mass in our new church is Sunday, February 16, 1986 at 3pm.  The regular schedule of Masses will take place in our present building that day.  All our choirs will participate, with our building committee and the many other organizations we have.  On March 19, 1986, the feast of St. Joseph, we will have the solemn dedication by the Bishop of our new church.

+ February 16, 1986—After four years we moved into our new church.  The church incorporates the modern and traditional, the newest concepts based on the liturgical reforms of Vatican II.

+ March 2, 1986—The pews in our old building have been donated to a small mission church in Ferris, TX  which is part of our Diocese.  The renovations are proceeding at the Parish Center and should be finished in time for the dedication.

+ March 16, 1986—The feast of St. Joseph our Patron Saint will have special meaning for us this year as our New Church will be dedicated by the Bishop of Dallas, Thomas A. Tschoepe.  The parish was established June 1, 1976, and within two years an all purpose building was constructed which has served as a Parish Center, with Chapel, social area, gymnasium and classrooms for religious education for the past seven and one-half years.  Planning for the new church, belltower, rectory and offices started in November 1982, with the architects. F&S Partners, selected in March 1983, to design the building.  Plans were finished and approved by both the diocesan liturgical committee and the building committee.  Spaw-Glass Constructors was awarded the contract with the rectory deleted and given to a home builder, Baxter & Button.  All buildings are now complete and awaiting final inspection, although the church is already blessed and being used for Mass. This special dedication service starts at 6pm with an organ recital by David Nastal, Music Director for the Diocese of Dallas.  The dedication Mass will start at 6:30pm and will be followed by a parish reception in the gym prepared and served by RCIA.

+ January 25, 1987—Total offertory collections for 1986, $758,506.13 ( an average of $14,587 per week)  Total debt at December 31, 1986, $2,091,475.99.

+ February 22, 1987—Creation of new diocese of Tyler announced.  The new bishop is Bishop Charles E. Herzig of San Antonio.

+ September 13, 1987—Pope John Paul II visits Texas and celebrates an outdoor mass in San Antonio.

+ January 31, 1988—Total offertory collections for 1987, $760,143.96 (an average of $14,628 per week)  Total debt at 12/31/1987, $1,815,909.16.

+ September 4, 1988—Our church has received a design award plaque from the National Association of Brick Distributors.  An article and picture of the church were featured in their national magazine.  “Masonry and cast stone were selected to enhance the image of a classic church, designed in an Italian style and relate in color to an existing activities building.  Masonry detailing is found on the interior as well as the exterior, including the cross above the altar, the baptismal font, the narthex and the stations of the cross found in the sanctuary”.  Brick and stone were supplied by Acme Brick, Dallas and Dallas Cast Stone.

+ January 15, 1989—Total offertory collections for 1988, $753,551.89 ( an average of $14,491 per week)  Total debt at 12/31/1988, $1,497,748.21.

+ June 4, 1989—Jubilee Celebration and Parish Anniversary.  A joint reception at the parish center will be held following the Mass at 2 PM for Fr. Gust Melito’s 25th Ordination Anniversary and the 13th anniversary of the parish.

+ December 11, 1989—Pope John Paul II named Charles V. Grahmann our new Coadjutor Bishop in the diocese.  Our present Bishop, Thomas A. Tschoepe in nearing retirement age, the new Bishop will have a chance to gradually move into his new duties.

+ January 28, 1990—Total offertory collections for 1989, $760,114.65 (an average of $14,618 per week)  Total debt at 12/31/89, $1,146,206.21.

+ December, 1990—The outdoor nativity scene was erected for the first time.  Craftmanship provided by members of the Womens Guild and the Knights of Columbus, Cindy Madrulli, Charlie Boutell and Bill Rumenapp.

+ January 31, 1991—Total offertory collections for 1990, $721,793.53 ( an average of $13,881 per week).

+ March 14-19, 1991—Lenten retreat with Msgr. Joseph DeAndrea of Greeensburg, PA who served in the Holy See Mission of the Holy See to the U.N.

+January 31, 1992—Total offertory collection for 1991, $760,254.89 (an average of $14,620 per week).  Average Attendance: 3,707.

+ July 1, 1992—Father Gus Melito is assigned to St. Luke’s in Irving as pastor.  He is replaced as associate pastor by Father D. Stanley Corcoran.

+ January 31, 1993—Total offertory collection for 1992, $801,317.89 (an average of $15,410 per week).  Average attendance: 2,941. 

+ February, 1993—DEBT FREE!!  15 year loan of $2,917,032.54 (principal and interest) paid off in 7 years.

+ January 31, 1994—Total offertory collections for 1993, $733,921.22 ( an average of $14,113 per week).  Average Attendance: 2,954. Total registered households: 2,500 total registered parishioners: 8,068. 

+ May 28, 1994– parishioner Timothy Heines is ordained a priest of Dallas and celebrates his First Mass at St. Joseph the following day (he will come back as pastor some years later).

+ January 31, 1995—Total offertory collections for 1994, $673,298.50 ( an average of $12,948 per week.)  Average Attendance: 2,708.  Total registered households: 2,385.  Total registered parishioners: 7,155.

+ March 20, 1995—Fr. Lynch announces his retirement.  Fr. Don Fischer from St. Bernard’s is named new pastor of St. Joseph’s.  Special installation on parish anniversary Mass on June 4, 1995.

+ March 22, 1995—Father Thomas Speiser is assigned to St. Joseph’s as associate pastor. 

+ June, 1995—Installation of the new pipe organ is complete.

+ August, 1995—Parish Voice first published.

+ September, 1995—Free nursery provided during masses in the Sunrise House.

+ September 24, 1995—Eucharist under both species offered at all masses.

+ October 1, 1995—Receptacles to collect non-perishable food items were made available throughout the church for donations which are distributed to area pantries.

+ 1995—Parish Finance Council established.  Positions to be filled by individuals selected by pastor.  Members will have business background and experience.

+ October 22, 1995—Building Committee formed for Parish Center addition/renovation plans.

+ November 5, 1995—St. Vincent de Paul established to provide assistance for needy.

+ January 31, 1996—Total offertory collections for 1995: $719,059 (an average of $13,828 per week),  Average attendance 2,594.  Total registered households: 2,493.  Total registered parishioners: 8,235.

+ February 11, 1996—“Vision Planning” meeting.  All parishioners invited to attend and be heard.  Opportunity to voice their needs, hopes and dreams for the St. Joseph Community.

+ April, 1996—Crucifix of St. Joseph created by artist Nancy Rebal.

+ May 10, 1996—Deacon Jim Daniels is assigned to St. Joseph’s.

+ May 31, 1996—Rev. Thomas Speiser is reassigned to St. Mark’s in Plano, TX.

+ June 18, 1996—Newly ordained priest, Rev. Clifford Smith is named as parochial vicar of St. Joseph.

+ July 3, 1996—Father Stan Corcoran is relocated as pastor of St. Joseph’s in Commerce. TX.

+ September 14, 1996—New Parish Center tours and celebration marking completion of the first phase of the project which included renovation of the gym, kitchen and expansion of the Social Hall.  New wings to be completed in Mid-November.  Entire renovation construction March, 1996 through December, 1996.

+ December, 1996—Dedication of Mary Shrine created by artist Nancy Rebal.  Metalcraftsman Jimmy Cinquemani created the candle stands.

+ December, 1996—Three-week advent series with Sr. Jose Hobday.

+ March, 1997—Dedication of Joseph Shrine created by artist Nancy Rebal.  Candlestands created by metalcraftsman Jimmy Cinquemani.

+ July 1, 1997—Total offertory collections for fiscal year 95-96: $878,225.  (an average of $16,889 per week).  Average attendance: 2,850.  Registered parishioners: 8,932.  Registered households: 2,837.

+ November, 1997—Nancy Rebal is commissioned to create original Stations of the Cross.  Each is offered to parishioners as dedication to loved ones.

+ December 28, 1997—Volunteers remove old ambo, altar and pews to begin renovation of Main Sanctuary.

+ March 19, 1998—Re-dedication of newly renovated Main Sanctuary.

+ April 5, 1998—Palm Sunday, First Sunday in Main Sanctuary after renovation.

+ July 1, 1998—Total offertory collection for fiscal year 97-98: $969,563 (an average of $18,645 per week.)  Total registered parishioners: 10,077.  Total registered households: 3,098.

+ November 1998—Charlie Boutell puts his stained glass creations in place in the Main Sanctuary.  Each is memorialized.

+ May 1, 1999—Rev. Clifford Smith reassigned and named pastor of St. Michaels in Grand Prarie.

+ July 1, 1999-Total offertory collections for fiscal year 98-99: $1,075,993 (an average of $20,692 per week.)  Total registered parishioners: 11,450.  Total registered households: 3,596.

+ April, 2000—Final Station of the Cross in place.

+ July 8, 2000—William Hebekeuser ordained and assigned as parochial vicar to St. Josephs.  He leaves in the summer of 2002. 

+ October 22, 2000– Msgr. Fischer announces the Our Dwelling Place campaign to expand the campus to better serve the needs of the growing community. 

+ April 15, 2001– The proposed date for the completion of a new Columbarium for the inurnment of remains is announced (August 2002) at the Easter Masses and niches begun to be sold.

+ June 11, 2001– Groundbreaking is held for the new facilities to be build for the Our Dwelling Place process.  The Parish Center would be closed for months while renovations occurred.  The Living Christ icon by artist Nancy Rebal is blessed.   There are 12054 parishioners registered here by July 1 from 3824 families.

+ June 1, 2002–- Fr. Sean Martin in residence until January of 2003.

+ August, 2002–  St. Joseph School opens with fifty students in grades Kindergarten through Second.

+ November 1, 2002– Deacon Randy Engel, formerly of Louisiana, is assigned to St. Joseph Church.

+ February 22, 2003– A Communal Inurnment and Formal Dedication Ceremony of the Columbarium takes place following a special 1 PM Saturday Mass. 

+ August 1, 2003–- Fr. Tom Speiser named parochial vicar (leaves June 2006).

+ December 21, 2003– Plans are announced for a Respect Life shrine to be added to the courtyard.

+ June 27, 2006– Fr. Anthony Lackland named parochial vicar  (leaves 2008).  14499 parishioners call Saint Joseph home.

+ August 15, 2008–- Fr. Louis Chijioke named parochial vicar (leaves 2010). 

+ May, 2009– The first eighth grade class graduates from St. Joseph School. 

+ May 31, 2010– Msgr. Fischer retires.  Bishop Doug Deshotel named pastor (until 2012). 

+ July 1, 2010– Fr. Alphonse Nazarro, LC in residence (leaves December 2011).  There are 17,268 parishioners from 5487 different families on July 1.

+ June 16, 2011– Fr. Timothy Heines named parochial vicar  (named pastor May 2012. Leaves October 2015).  By July 1, there will be 17669 parishioners from 5642 families. 

+ December 1, 2011– Fr. Jacob Dankasa named parochial vicar (reassigned July 1 2017).

+ December 1, 2012–- Fr. Joel Baku in residence until May 2013. 

+ May 22, 2013–  Fr. Dominic Colangelo, OP named parochial vicar (until July 1, 2014)

+ September-December 2013-- Bishop Farrell asks St. Joseph to pledge $1.86m to the diocesan capital campaign.  The parish far exceeds his wishes with pledges in excess of $2.5m.  

+ July 1, 2014– Fr. Juan Carlos Marín named parochial vicar (reassigned July 1 2017).    As of this day, there are 18, 163 registered parishioners of Saint Joseph in 5757 families. 

+ March 1, 2016 - Fr. Jason Cargo assigned Pastor

+ July 1, 2017 -- Fr. Martin Mwangi assigned parochial vicar

+ July 1, 2017 -- Fr. Michael Baynham assigned parochial vicar

+ December 24, 2018 -- Dedication of the life-sized Nativity Scene donated by the St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Council 8954.

+ August 24, 2019 -- Fr. Jason Cargo presides over St. Joseph’s first Marian Prayer Service, in devotion to Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians. Sponsored by St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Council #8954. Intended to raise awareness of the plight of Christians persecuted for their faith and to stand in prayerful solidarity with them.