High School Youth Ministry
“Our mission is to lead youth and their families to encounter Christ and to equip them to live as disciples.”
We believe every young person should feel like they have a place in the Church and be given the opportunity to encounter Christ in a life-changing way. We seek to live this mission through weekly high school youth nights, sacramental preparation, discipleship groups that allow teens to go deeper in their faith, service days to bring the joy of Christ to others, and retreats throughout the year.
All high school students are invited to join on Tuesdays from 6-8pm this summer for fellowship and fun!
Youth Mass, Sundays at 5:30 PM
Join our community as we encounter Christ in His true presence of the Eucharist. Our Youth Mass has contemporary worship music and a homily geared towards young people, although all ages are welcome.
We also invite young people to serve as Musicians, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers and Greeters. Contact Ojas Inamdar at ojasi@stjosephcc.net if you are interested in serving.
Sundays, 7:00-8:30pm; $65/ student
Youth gather together in a large group then break into small groups. Encounter is for all high schoolers—post-confirmation, confirmation preparation, first communion preparation, and youth RCIA.
First communion, confirmation, and youth RCIA require registration, which is open during the late spring and closes July 31. Post-confirmation can register all year.
High School Sacrament Preparation
Do you need to be baptized?
Do you need to receive First Communion or Confirmation?
It takes a team of incredible people to bring the mission of high school youth ministry to life!
If you are interested in serving as a Core Team Small Group Leader please contact Ojas at ojasi@stjosephcc.net
Parent Volunteer Team
We are always in need of parents to help with various tasks such as serving food, driving to and from events, or serving as a chaperone. This is a great opportunity to accompany your teen in their faith journey. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ojas at ojasi@stjosephcc.net
Contact Us!
Ojas Inamdar
Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry
(972)231-2951 ext. 1062
Mercedes Mendiola
Youth & Young Adult Ministry Assistant (972)231-2951 ext. 1061