Music Ministry
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.”
"Music should assist the assembled believers to express and share the gift of faith that is within them and nourish and strengthen their interior commitment of faith."
- "Music in Catholic Worship", Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy
Meaningful music for worship, that everyone can participate in, is vital to experiencing life-giving, faith-building, unifying celebrations. All who participate in parish music ministry share the responsibility of making this vision a reality. This is accomplished by developing their gifts, committing to rehearsing, and "full, conscious and active" participation in the liturgy.
Who should be in music ministry? Those with musical gifts, who love to sing and make music with others and can commit to attend a weekly rehearsal and Mass. Choral experience is helpful but is not required. For instrumentalists, an intermediate level of proficiency is required.
If you are interested in joining the music ministry as a choir member, now is the time to do so. Rehearsals will begin the first week in September. The ability to read music is not necessary; however, experience singing in a choir is helpful, as well as being able to match pitches and carry a tune.
Adult Music Ministry
Saturday Vigil Choir (ages 18 and up)
Rehearsals begin Tuesday, September 6, 7:00 - 8:30pm in the music room; sing for Saturday Vigil Mass (5:00 pm), and Vigil Masses on Holy Days of Obligation
Sunday 10:30 am Choir (ages 18 and up)
Rehearsals begin Thursday, September 8, 7:30 - 9:00pm in the music room; sing for Sunday 10:30am mass and Holy Days of Obligation
Vigil choir and 10:30 Sunday choir contact Carol Savedra via text message at 972-841-8352 or email for more information and to set up a short interview (nothing scary).
Youth Music Ministry
Children's Choir (grades 3 - 6)
Rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 7, 5:30 - 6:00pm in the music room; sing every 3 - 4 weeks at 12:30pm Sunday mass (no experience necessary)
Youth Choir (grades 7 - 12)
Rehearsals every Sundays 12:00 - 12:30pm in the music room; sing Sunday at 12:30pm mass
Children's choir and youth choir contact Daniela Salazar via email at for more information.
We can use all voice parts; however, we are in particular need of altos for the vigil choir, and tenors/basses for both vigil and 10:30 choirs.
Please prayerfully consider offering your talents as a singer or instrumentalist to one of our choirs.
How To Join
Adults should contact for a brief interview:
Carol Savedra (972)841-8352
Children and youth do not need to audition to join. Parents simply need to contact Daniela Salazar to let her know your child will be joining the choir. Parents of children interested in joining the children's choir participate in the children's commitment to serve by faithfully bringing them to rehearsals and Masses. If you would like information on the children’s or youth choir please contact Daniela Salazar at
All groups are seeking additional members, especially male singers of all ages and instrumentalists.