Ministries for Families & Adults

St Joseph offers a wide array of ministries and formation for adults and families.  From diving deeper into your faith to growing your marriage into a great marriage, from opportunities to serve others to receiving support in difficult times, we are here to help you and your family be who God calls you to be!

Catholics Come HOme

Been away from the Church for a while?  We can help you feel at home again with this 7 week course.

Become Catholic

R.C.I.A. is the process used for adults and children 7 years old or older to become Catholic.  We offer preparation both for adults and for families.


Marriage Ministries

Includes ministries for engaged, married, separated, divorced and widowed, as well as annulments and convalidations.

Family Ministries

Including ministries for parents and support for life and faith in the home.


Liturgical Ministries

Become a part of our beautiful masses and liturgies

Cultural Ministries

We have a diverse parish, with several cultural groups to join!

Grief Ministry

For those who have experienced the loss of a loved one

Knights of Columbus

A service organization for Catholic men


Women's Guild

A service organization for Catholic women

St Vincent de Paul

Serving the poor and the needy

Circle of Friends

A social organization for those over the age of 50

Brothers & Sisters in Christ

Pray for the sick of our parish


Corpus Christi Ministry

Brings Communion to those confined to their homes or nursing homes

Mother theresa Ministry

Visits and bring Communion to those in local hospitals

Stephen Ministry

Assists people who are experiencing a crisis or trial in their life

ACTS Retreats

A retreat ministry to help men and women deepen their relationship with Christ


Martha & Mary

Espresso and coffee bar in the Forum

Meals on Wheels

Helps older adults to live with dignity and independence at home

Contemplative Prayer group

Encourages spiritual enrichment through the contemplative practices of centering prayer and lectio divina

Mothers with Young Children

A small group for mothers with little ones


Candle Ministry

Clean the votives and replace the candles at each of our shrines

Safe Committee

Locks and unlocks the Church on weekends and holidays


Make rosaries for different groups of parishioners

Library Ministry

Cares for and maintains our parish library