Women's Guild

The Women's Guild is open to all women of the parish. Its purpose is three-fold: 

  • To unite the women of the parish to work together for the glory of God, and the spiritual growth and material good of the parish.

  • To provide opportunities which will promote service, friendship, and fellowship.

  • To organize and promote fund-raising projects to fulfill financial needs of the Guild and its charitable service projects.

The St. Joseph Women's Guild is an organization that promotes spiritual, social and service opportunities for the women of St. Joseph parish. Every month we support a charity chosen by our charitable committee. We also have a speaker or program. The Guild runs several events : Family Bingo, Craft Fair, Santa's Breakfast, Casino/Silent Auction, charitable coat drive, Newcomer's Tea.

The Guild meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

For more information, please contact, Dee Forst (Membership Chair) at 469-349-6629 or dforst@sbcglobal.net