Consecration to St. Joseph

In making this consecration to St. Joseph, we are asking the Holy Spirit, through the patronage of St. Joseph and in imitation of him, to bring into relief the identity we received at our baptism, reborn in order that we might permanently turn our gaze to wonder at Mary’s motherhood, to the infant who grew in wisdom and strength, that by his suffering, death, and resurrection, a world is redeemed, a love unassailable definitively and forever proclaimed. Jesus, by his sacred person and flesh, has remade the family into a God-bearing manger, which holds the mystery of sonship, of true spousal self-donation, of lifelong chaste fidelity to the will of God and the glory of his name.

St. Joseph Catholic Church ask you to join us , this St. Joseph feast on March 19th — most particularly all men who have the charism of fatherhood, priest and parishioners alike — to walk these 33 days with St. Joseph, confident that with his help, we will be made by the Holy Spirit more apt guardians of the mystery of God. I urge you fathers, young and old, to particularly pay attention to the challenges contained in this consecration, to see in them a challenge to our complacency and torpor, to begin to exercise anew the gift which becomes clear to us as we meditate on the motherhood of Mary and the motherhood of our own beloved spouses.

If you should skip a day in this consecration, fear not. We are all running as fast as we can. Simply pray the missed prayer on the following day and continue on with your consecration. God bless us all and grant us a share in the renewal of all of our families.

Weekly meetings 7pm in Room 123:

  • Thursday, February 15, in Room 123

  • Wednesday, February 21, in Room 152

  • Wednesday, February 28, in Room 123

  • Wednesday, March 6, in Room 152

  • Wednesday, March 13, in Room 123

For more information, please email Phil Lozano at

Day 27